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中科院上海生命科学研究院韩斌研究小组近日在Nature genetics发表水稻相关研究重要文章

时间: 2011-12-28 点击次数:次 作者:admin

中科院上海生命科学研究院韩斌研究小组近日在Nature genetics发表水稻相关研究重要文章《世界范围内的水稻种质资源开花时间和产量性状的全基因组关联研究》。

Genome-wide association study of flowering time and grain yield traits in a worldwide collection of rice germplasm


A high-density haplotype map recently enabled a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a population ofindicasubspecies of Chinese rice landraces. Here we extend this methodology to a larger and more diverse sample of 950 worldwide rice varieties, including theOryza sativa indicaandOryza sativa japonicasubspecies, to perform an additional GWAS. We identified a total of 32 new loci associated with flowering time and with ten grain-related traits, indicating that the larger sample increased the power to detect trait-associated variants using GWAS. To characterize various alleles and complex genetic variation, we developed an analytical framework for haplotype-basedde novoassembly of the low-coverage sequencing data in rice. We identified candidate genes for 18 associated loci through detailed annotation. This study shows that the integrated approach of sequence-based GWAS and functional genome annotation has the potential to match complex traits to their causal polymorphisms in rice.


扩展阅读:1、Genome-wide association studies coming of age in rice (有全文)


扩展阅读:2、Genome-wide association studies of 14 agronomic traits in rice landraces(有全文)



