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中国科学家发现水稻的穗发育基因-FRIZZY PANICLE(FZP)

时间: 2017-10-31 点击次数:次 作者:admin

日前,中国科学家发现水稻的穗发育基因(FRIZZY PANICLE,FZP)在自然界中发生变异,可显著增加水稻每穗的粒数和轻微降低每粒的粒重,使水稻产量增加。

北京时间10月31日,上述研究论文在国际学术期刊《自然》(nature)的子刊《自然·植物》(nature plants)在线发表。该研究来自华中农业大学生命科学技术学院教授邢永忠的研究小组。

水稻的穗发育基因(FRIZZY PANICLE,FZP)具有阻止腋芽分生组织形成并建立花分生组织的作用,水稻的产量和其密切相关。FZP是一个很重要的发育基因,其编码蛋白是不能改变的,若改变则水稻就无法结种。但是,可以通过控制FZP的表达量来控制水稻的产量。FZP的功能强,水稻粒子就变大,粒子数变少;FZP功能弱,水稻粒子就变小,粒子数就变多。


邢永忠研究小组就利用粒形差异显著的亲本川7和豪博卡构建的群体通过图位克隆(Map - based cloning,又称定位克隆),在川7亲本的FZP上游5.3kb处,发现一个18bp片段的转录沉默子发生复制,造成拷贝数变异(Copy number variation,CNV),名为CNV-18bp,使得川7里有两个18bp片段串联在一起。



Xufeng Bai, Yong Huang, Yong Hu, Haiyang Liu, Bo Zhang, Cezary Smaczniak, Gang Hu, Zhongmin Han & Yongzhong Xing, Duplication of an upstream silencer of FZP increases grain yield in rice, Nature Plants (2017) ,doi:10.1038/s41477-017-0042-

摘要:Transcriptional silencer and copy number variants (CNVs) are associated with gene expression. However, their roles in generating phenotypes have not been well studied. Here we identified a rice quantitative trait locus, SGDP7 (Small Grain and Dense Panicle 7). SGDP7 is identical to FZP (FRIZZY PANICLE), which represses the formation of axillary meristems. The causal mutation of SGDP7 is an 18-bp fragment, named CNV-18bp, which was inserted ~5.3 kb upstream of FZP and resulted in a tandem duplication in the cultivar Chuan 7. The CNV-18bp duplication repressed FZP expression, prolonged the panicle branching period and increased grain yield by more than 15% through substantially increasing the number of spikelets per panicle (SPP) and slightly decreasing the 1,000-grain weight (TGW). The transcription repressor OsBZR1 binds the CGTG motifs in CNV-18bp and thereby represses FZP expression, indicating that CNV-18bp is the upstream silencer of FZP. These findings showed that the silencer CNVs coordinate a trade-off between SPP and TGW by fine-tuning FZP expression, and balancing the trade-off could enhance yield potential.



