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时间: 2020-12-29 点击次数:次 作者:


姓名:陈荣军                      学历:博士

职称:教授                          职务:  无                     

导师类型:硕士                   招生专业:生物化学与分子生物学

联系电话:                           E-mail:chenrj8@aliyun.com




1992.9-1996.7     西南农业大学农学系学习主修作物遗传育种专业获农学学士学位

1996.9-1999.7     中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所(现并入遗传发育所)学习主修生态学专业获理学硕士学位

1997.7-2000.9     中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所工作

2000.9-2003.7     四川农业大学玉米研究所学习主修作物遗传育种专业并获农学博士学位

2003.7-2004.11   中国科学院成都生物研究所工作 助理研究员

2004.11-2007.12 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 助理研究员

2007.12-2009.8   中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 副研究员

2009.8-2010.10    四川农业大学未来农业与人类健康中心 副研究员

2010.10-2013.12  四川农业大学水稻研究所 副研究员

2014.01至今         四川农业大学水稻研究所 教授




3.横向课题:玉米高产基因的克隆及转基因研究 (2010.1-12) 主持


5. 四川省教育厅重点项目 :茶陵野生稻耐寒基因orct功能研究(2011.10-2014.10) 主持

6. 四川省国际科技合作与交流研究计划项目:老挝糯稻种子资源的引进与利用 HH0032 (2015.1-2016.12)主持

7. 横向合作项目:蓉18A基础研究 (2014.6-2016.12)主持

8. 四川省国际科技创新合作项目:富硒杂交糯稻在老挝的种植示范 2019YFH0126 (2019.1-2021.12)主持








Year 2021

50.Wei Wang, Changqian Quan, Shiwei Zhenga, Yuwei Wang , Yuhan Mo ,Chuan Ma , Zhengjun Xu , Lihua Li ,Zhengjian Huang , Xiaomei Jia , Xiaoying Yea,Jianqing Zhu , HuainianLiu , Rongjun Chen* OsPM1 is a positive regulator of rice tolerance to drought stress but a negative regulator of rice tolerance to salt stress Journal of Plant Interactions 2021(in press)

49.Shiwei Zheng, Shengbin Liu, Jinhua Feng, Wei Wang, Yuwei Wang, Qiang Yu, Yongrong Liao,Yuhan Mo, Zhengjun Xu, Lihua Li, Xiaoling Gao, Xiaomei Jia,Jianqing Zhu, Rongjun Chen* Overexpression of a stress response membrane protein gene OsSMP1 enhances rice tolerance to salt, cold and heavy metal stress Environmental and Experimental Botany 2021,182(104327):1-10

Year 2020 

48.Zuo Chen , Lu Zhao , Wenqian Chen , Yilun Dong , Chao Yang , Chunliu Li ,Hong Xu , Xiaoling Gao , Rongjun Chen , Lihua Li & Zhengjun Xu* Isolation and evaluation of Bacillus velezensis ZW-10 as a potential biological control agent against Magnaporthe oryzae Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment2020  34(1):714-724 

47.Songhao Rong, Hong Xu, Lihua Li, Rongjun Chen, Xiaoling Gao, Zhengjun Xu*Antifungal activity of endophytic Bacillus safensis B21 and its potential application as a biopesticide to control rice blast 2020 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 162:69-77

Year 2019

46.Yilun Dong, Hui Li, Songhao Rong, Hong Xu, Ying Guan, Lu Zhao, Wenqian Chen, Xiang He, Xiaoling Gao, Rongjun Chen, Lihua Li & Zhengjun Xu* Isolation and evaluation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Rdx5 as a potential biocontrol agent against Magnaporthe oryzae Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2019 V33(1):408–418

45.Wenqian Chen, Lu Zhao,  Hui Li,  Yilun Dong, Hong Xu,  Ying Guan,  Songhao Rong,  Xiaoling Gao,  Rongjun Chen, Lihua Li* , Zhengjun Xu*  The isolation of the antagonistic strain Bacillus australimaris CQ07 and the exploration of the pathogenic inhibition mechanism of Magnaporthe oryzae  2019  PLoS ONE 14(8):e0220410

44.Changqian Quan, Zhigang Bai, Shiwei Zheng, Jingming Zhou, Qiang Yu, Zhengjun Xu , Xiaoling Gao,Lihua Li, Jianqing Zhu, Xiaomei Jia, Rongjun Chen* Genome-wide analysis and environmental response profiling ofphosphate-induced-1 family genes in rice (Oryza sativa) Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment  2019, V33(1):627–638

Year 2018

43.Changqiong Hu, Changqian Quan, Jingmin Zhou, Qiang Yu, Zhigang Bai, Zhengjun Xu,Xiaoling Gao, Lihua Li, Jianqing Zhu, Rongjun Chen* Identification and characterization of a novel abiotic stress responsive OsTHIC gene from rice  Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2018  32(4):874-880

42.Hui Li, Ying Guan, Yilun Dong, Lu Zhao, Songhao Rong, Wenqian Chen, Miaomiao Lv,Hong Xu, Xiaoling Gao, Rongjun Chen, Lihua Li*, Zhengjun Xu*Isolation and evaluation of endophytic Bacillus tequilensis GYLH001 with potential application for biological control of Magnaporthe oryzae  PLoS ONE 2018 13(10):e0203505.

41.Rui Huang,Yang Wang,Pingrong Wang,Chunmei Li,Fuliang Xiao,Nenggang Chen,Na Li,Caixia Li,Changhui Sun,Lihua Li,Rongjun Chen,Zhengjun Xu,Jianqing Zhu,Xiaojian Deng A single nucleotide mutation of IspF gene involved in the MEP pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis causes yellow-green leaf phenotype in rice Plant Molecular Biology 2018 96(1):5-16

Year 2017

40.Yongrong Liao, Yunyun Jiang, Jinghong Xu,Changqiong Hu, Changqian Quan, Jingmin Zhou, Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao, Lihua Li, Jianqing Zhu, Xiaomei Jia,Rongjun Chen* Overexpression of a thylakoid membrane protein gene OsTMP14 improves indica rice cold tolerance  Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2017 31(4):717-724

39.Lihua Li, Taozhi Ye, Xiaoling Gao, Rongjun Chen, Jinghong Xu, Chen Xie, Jianqing Zhu, Xiaojian Deng, Pingrong Wang, Zhengjun Xu* Molecular characterization and functional analysis of the OsPsbR gene family in rice Molecular  Genetics and Genomics 2017  292:271–281

38.Xiang He, Lihua Li, Hong Xu, Jiang Xi ,Xufeng Cao , Haoran Xu ,Songhao Rong , Yilun Dong , Chuan Wang, Rongjun Chen, Jinghong Xu, Xiaoling Gao ,Zhengjun Xu* OsJRL, a rice jacalin-related mannose-binding lectin gene,enhances Escherichia coli viability under high-salinity stress and improves salinity tolerance of rice  Plant biology 2017 19(2):257–267

37.Lihua Li, Taozhi Ye, Jinghong Xu, Chen Xie, Xiaoling Gao,Rongjun Chen, Jianqing Zhu & Zhengjun Xu* Molecular characterization and function analysis of the rice OsDUF946 family Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2017 31(3): 477–485

36.Lihua Li, Chen Xie, Taozhi Ye, Jinghong Xu, Rongjun Chen, Xiaoling Gao, Jianqing Zhu & Zhengjun Xu* Molecular characterization, expression pattern and function analysis of the rice OsDUF866 family Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2017  31(2): 243-249

35.Yongrong Liao, Changqiong Hu, Xuewei Zhang, Xufeng Cao, Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao, Lihua Li, Jianqing Zhu, Rongjun Chen* Isolation of a novel leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (OsLRR2) gene from rice and analysis of its relation to abiotic stress responses Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment  2017 31(1):51-57

34.Yongrong Liao,Shengbin Liu,Yunyun Jiang,Changqiong Hu,Xuewei Zhang,Xufeng Cao,Zhengjun Xu,Xiaoling Gao,Lihua Li,Jianqing Zhu, Rongjun Chen* Genome-wide analysis and environmental response profiling of dirigent family genes in rice (Oryza sativa) Genes & Genomics 2017 39:47–62

Year 2016

33.Hai Zhang, Lihua Li, Taozhi Ye, Rongjun Chen, Xiaoling Gao and Zhengjun Xu*Molecular characterization, expression pattern and function analysis of the OsHSP90 family in rice Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2016 30(4):669-676

32.Xufeng Cao, Yongrong Liao, Songhao Rong,Changqiong Hu, Xuewei Zhang, Rongjun Chen*, Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao, Lihua Li, Jianqing Zhu Identification and characterization of a novel abiotic stress responsive gene Sulfotransferase (OsSOT9) from rice Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2016 30(2):227-235

Year 2015

31.Sheng-ping WANG, Yun-ling GAO, Gang LIU, Dun DENG, Rong-jun CHEN, Yu-zhe ZHANG,Li-li LI, Qing-qi WEN, Yong-qing HOU, Ze-meng FENG Zhao-hui GUO Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of the energy homeostasis-associated gene in piglet Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology) 2015 16(6):524-532

30.Shengbin Liu, Xufeng Cao, Yongrong Liao, Rongjun Chen*,Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao, Lihua Li, Jianqing Zhu Identification and characterization of a novel abiotic stress responsive ATPase gene from rice Plant Omics Journal 2015, 8(2):169-177

Year 2014

29.Chao Zhou †, Rong-Jun Chen †,Xiao-Ling Gao, Li-Hua Li, and Zheng-Jun Xu* Heterologous expression of a rice RNA-recognition motif gene OsCBP20 in Escherichia coli confers abiotic stress tolerance Plant Omics Journal 2014, 7(1):28-34 ( † These authors contributed equally to this work)

Year 2013

28.马廷臣 余蓉蓉 陈荣军 曾汉来 张端品* 全基因组表达分析不同强度干旱胁迫下常规籼稻根系转录因子表达变化 核农学报 2013,27( 9) : 1258~1269

27.Cun-Mei Tan †, Rong-Jun Chen , Jian-Hua Zhang †, Xiao-Ling Gao, Li-Hua Li, Ping-Rong Wang, Xiao-Jian Deng and Zheng-Jun Xu* OsPOP5, A Prolyl Oligopeptidase Family Gene from Rice Confers Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Escherichia coli International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2013, 14: 20204-20219( † These authors contributed equally to this work)

26.Rongjun Chen *, Wence Wang , Shengbin Liu,Jie Pan, Tiejun Li*, Yulong Yin Dietary arginine supplementation altered expression of IGFs and IGF receptors in weaning piglets Journal of Cell and Animal Biology 2013, 7(4):44-50

Year 2012

25.董家利,姜云芸,陈荣军,夏新界* 水稻多逆境响应基因OsGAD3的表达与克隆 西南农业学报  2012,25 (5):1541-1548

24.Rongjun Chen *,Yunyun Jiang, Jiali Dong, Xin Zhang, Hongbo Xiao, Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao. Genome-wide analysis and environmental response profiling of SOT family genes in rice (Oryza sativa). genes & genomics  2012, 34: 549-560

23.张 新 陈荣军 王曼玲 宋书锋 夏新界* 水稻逆境响应基因OsMsrl5的表达分析与克隆 生命科学研究2012, 16(2):113-119

22.Rongjun Chen *,Jiali Dong, Shengbin Liu, Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao. Isolation of A Novel Abscisic acid stress ripening (OsASR) Gene from Rice and Analysis of The Response of This Gene to Abiotic Stresses African Journal of Biotechnology 2012 , 11(74):13873-13881

21.马廷臣 陈荣军 余蓉蓉 曾汉来 张端品* 渗透胁迫下水稻根系核仁小分子RNA转录本变化的全基因组表达分析 中国水稻科学 2012, 26(1):16-20

20.Yunyun Jiang, Rongjun Chen * Jiali Dong, Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao Analysis of GDSL lipase (GLIP) family genes in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Omics Journal 2012 5(4):351-358

19.Rongjun Chen *, Jingde Qiu ,Yunyun Jiang , Jiali Dong , Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao Isolation of A Novel MYB Transcription Factor OsMyb1R from Rice and Analysis of The Response of This Gene to Abiotic Stresses African Journal of Biotechnology 2012, 11(16):3731-3737

18.Xiao-Dong Xia, Jing chen, Sha Fan, Xiao-Ling Gao, Li-Hua Li, Rong-Jun Chen, Kai Zhong, Hong Gao, Isomaro Yamaguchi and Zheng-Jun Xu* Antioxidant activity, DNA damage protection and phenolic contents of Penthorum chinese Pursh  Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2012,6(26): 4292-4298

Year 2011

17.Jiali Dong,Yunyun Jiang , Rongjun Chen * , Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao Isolation Of A Novel Xyloglucan Endotransglucosylase(OsXET9) Gene From Rice And Analysis Of The Response Of This Gene To Abiotic Stresses African Journal of Biotechnology 2011 10(76): 17424-17434

16.Kai Zhong, Xia-Ling Gao, Zheng-Jun Xu*, Li-Hua Li, Rong-Jun Chen, Xiao-Jian Deng, Hong Gao, Kai Jiang and Isomaro Yamaguchi Isolation and characterization of a novel streptomyces strain Eri11 exhibiting antioxidant activity from the rhizosphere of Rhizoma Curcumae Longae African Journal of Microbiology Research 2011 5(11): 1291-1297

15.Yunyun Jiang, Jiali Dong, Rongjun Chen* Zhengjun Xu, Xiaoling Gao Isolation of A Novel PP2C Gene from Rice and Analysis of The Response of This Gene to Abiotic Stresses African Journal of Biotechnology 2011 10(37):7143-7154

14.Rongjun Chen*,Mengliang Tian,  Xun Wu, Yubi Huang* Differential Global Gene Expression Changes in Response to Low Nitrogen Stress in Two Maize Inbred Lines with Contrasting Low Nitrogen Tolerance  Genes & genomes  2011 33: 491-497

13.Xun Wu, Mengliang Tian, Rongjun Chen,Yubi Huang* Genomics analysis of genes expressed reveals differential responses to low chronic nitrogen stress in maize African Journal of Biotechnology 2011 10(6): 939-949

12.Rongjun Chen, Yulong Yin*, Yunling Gao, Jie Pan, Tiejun Li Expression profiling of IGFs and IGF receptors in piglets with intrauterine growth restriction Livestock Science 2011(2), 136:72-75

Year 2010

11.马廷臣,陈荣军,余蓉蓉,曾汉来,张端品* 在PEG模拟干旱下水稻根系几个疑似PEG毒害响应的转录本的研究 分子植物育种2010, 8:1090—1094

10.徐孟亮, 李落叶,陈荣军,ROCHA Pedro,夏新界*. 一个新的水稻低温应答类糖基转移酶基因(OsCrGtl)的表达分析与克隆 农业生物技术学报 2010 4:663-669

9.马廷臣 余蓉蓉 陈荣军 曾汉来 张端品*水稻根系不同强度干旱胁迫下5个基因表达分析 华北农学报2010,25(2):51-55

8.马廷臣 余蓉蓉 陈荣军 曾汉来 张端品* PEG-6000 模拟干旱对水稻幼苗期根系的影响 中国生态农业学报2010, 18(6): 1−6

7.马廷臣 余蓉蓉 陈荣军 曾汉来 张端品*  PEG-6000模拟干旱对水稻苗期根系形态和部分生理指标影响的研究 中国农学通报 2010,26(8):149-156

Year 2009

6.CHEN Rong-jun,GAO Yun-ling, KONG Xiang-feng, PAN Jie, LI Tie-jun, YIN Yu-long* Effects of Intrauterine Growth Restriction on Gene Expression in Small Intestine of Piglets Animal husbandry and feed science 2009 1:41-46

5.Rongjun Chen, Yulong Yin*, Jie Pan, Yunling Gao, Xiaoyan Song Microarray Analysis of genes in Small Intestine of IUGR Piglets Journal of Animal Science,2009 Vol. 87, E-Suppl.

4.Ting-chen Ma, Rong-jun Chen, Rong-rong Yu, Han-lai Zeng and Duan-pin Zhang* Differential global gene expression changes in rice root in response to low, intermediate and high levels of osmotic stress Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2009 31:773–785

3.马廷臣 ,陈荣军,余蓉蓉,曾汉来,张端品* 全基因组分析PEG胁迫下水稻根系转录因子表达变化 作物学报2009, 35(6): 1030−1037

Year 2008

2.徐孟亮,陈荣军,ROCHA Pedro, 李落叶, 王曼玲, 徐国云, 夏新界*. 一个新的水稻逆境响应基因OsMsr1 的表达与克隆 作物学报2008 34(10): 1712−1718

1.徐国云,陈荣军*,徐孟亮, 崔延春.不同普通野生稻居群DREB1B启动子的克隆与进化分析 湖北农业科学2008 47(3):245-248


Rongjun Chen , Cloning and expression analysis of cold induced gene oscr from Chaling wild rice , 2011年中国作物学会学术年会论文集 .



