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时间: 2012-12-26 点击次数:次 作者:admin


Top Genomes of 2012

What researchers learned as they dug through some of the most interesting genomes sequenced this year

By Beth Marie Mole | December 20, 2012

基因组研究是一门新兴的、发展迅速的生命科学,其普遍应用及向其他学科、领域的不断渗透日趋明显,这些学科涵盖了现代农业、生物能源、生态环境和人类健康等各个方面。随着测序成本的下降,基因组研究成果也呈现井喷之势。近日The Scientist对2012年最突出的基因组研究进行了盘点……

1.Tomato, tomäto

Species: Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum

Genome size: 900 million base pairs

After a 9-year effort by researchers in 14 countries, the first genome sequence of a tomato—of the original Heinz ketchup variety—was released this May. Anticipation of the fleshy fruit’s genome stems from what the sequences could tell researchers about the tomato’s economically important relatives, including potato, eggplant, tobacco, and pepper. The potato, for instance, which has also recently had its genome sequenced, is 92 percent genetically similar to the tomato. Now, scientists can start figuring out how the differing 8 percent of their genes make tomato plants producing luscious, above ground fruit, while potato plants result in knobby, subterranean tubers. The tomato genome sequence also revealed that the species has triplicated its genome—twice. A triplication event happened around 130 million years ago, then again about 60 million years ago, right around the time that many dinosaur species went extinct. The copy error could have helped tomato plants survive the transitional era.

The Tomato Genome Consortium, “The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution,” Nature, doi:10.1038/nature11119, 2012. (Cited 17 times)


西红柿又名番茄、洋柿子、狼桃、番李子、金橘……这种最初被视为有毒物的蔬菜,至今已经在我们日常饭桌上十分常见了,但是对于这种植物的遗传机制,科学家们了解的还并不是很多。来自美国康奈尔大学,英国诺丁汉大学,中科院国家基因研究中心等处的研究人员首次公布了西红柿(Solanum lycopersicum)的基因组,此次测序的西红柿品种为Heinz 1706。




2.Incubating offspring

Species: Human fetus, homo sapiens

Genome size: 3 billion base pairs

Following up on a 1997 Lancet study that found fetal DNA circulating in maternal blood, this year saw a steady stream of studies and clinical trials on sequencing fetal DNA, including a whole fetal genome, published in June. The new technology relies on the fact that DNA from the baby makes up 3 to 10 percent of the cell-free DNA floating through a pregnant woman’s blood stream. As expected, the new technology has exploded onto the market as non-invasive screens for genetic disorders in fetuses as early as 9 weeks into pregnancy. Currently, the three tests on the marker focus on finding aneuploidies—abnormalities in the number of chromosomes or chromosomal regions, including trisomy 21, the cause of Down syndrome. But, the continued advancement of sequencing technologies promises more extensive tests in the near future. For more on prenatal genetic tests, the state of the industry, and the associated ethical issues, check out The Scientist’s article, “Year of the Fetus.”

J.O. Kitzman et. al., “Noninvasive whole-genome sequencing of a human fetus,” Science Translational Medicine, 137: 137ra76, 2012. (Cited 10 times)





3.Gorilla, exposed

Species: Western lowland gorilla, Gorilla gorilla gorilla

Genome size: 3.04 billion base pairs

In March, a 30-year-old, 300-pound captive gorilla named Kamilah revealed new similarities between us and our second-closest relatives. By analyzing Kamilah’s fully sequenced genome—all 21,000 genes of it—researchers at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, United Kingdom, found that gorillas split from humans and chimps around 10 million years ago—3 million years before humans diverged from chimps. Thus it’s not surprising that most human and chimp genes are more genetically similar to each other than to gorilla genes, but researchers found that 30 percent of gorilla genes are also closely related to human and chimp genes—sometimes more similar than those genes are between human and chimps. Such shared genetics suggests that the three species continued to interbreed after their evolutionary divorce. “As the climate changed, populations fragmented, evolved separately, and the small splinter groups either died out or found creative ways to carry on, such as breeding with other groups,” lead author Aylwyn Scally of the Sanger Institute told New Scientist. Kamilah’s genome also showed that 500 of the genes shared between apes and humans—mostly involved in hearing and brain development—evolved in gorillas after the two species split.

A. Scally et. al., “Insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence,” Nature, 483: 169-75, 2012. (Cited 13 times)


来自英国Wellcome Trust基因科学园的研究人员完成了大猩猩的基因组测序,标志着当前存活的猿科动物最后一个属的基因组也得以破解。




4. All-purpose pork

Species: Domestic pig, Sus scrofa domesticus

Genome size: ~3 billion base pairs

After decades of genetic work, and 10,000 years of a human-pig relationship, researchers last month (November) sequenced the full genome of a domesticated pig—a female fromIllinoisnamed T.J. Tabasco. The most immediate applications of this new genetic information will most likely be seen on the farm, where breeders will try to elbow out genes that are linked to disease susceptibility, such as the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome that costs the pig industry $600 million each year. But, in addition to the promise of healthier, meatier animals for food production, the new genomic data could be used for medical advances: researchers have been working for years to use pigs as models for human disease and have even envisioned using them to grow human organs for transplantation. Exploiting similarities in anatomy, pigs are already models for human eye diseases, cystic fibrosis, and diabetes. Now, researchers are working to develop pig models of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and muscular dystrophy.

M.A.M. Groenen et al., “Analysis of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution,”Nature, 491: 393-98, 2012 (Cited 3 times)


研究人员将一种常见农场猪Susscrofa domesticus与10种野猪的基因组进行了比较。所有这些动物来自欧洲和亚洲的不同地区。他们还将猪的基因组与人类、小鼠、狗、马和牛的基因组进行了比较。

研究小组发现了成为家猪祖先后Sus scrofa进化的一些新细节,其与现在的野猪非常的相似,首先出现于南亚,后逐渐迁移跨越亚欧大陆。比较亚洲和欧洲野猪揭示出显著的遗传差异,结果表明它们彼此分离大约是在100万年前。




5.Spirited grains

Species: Barley, Hordeum vulgare L.

Genome size: ~5.3 billion base pairs

Barley is the world’s fourth most important cereal crop, and one of the first domesticated grains, but more importantly, it’s critical for the production of beer and whiskey. So, the study released this past October revealing the whole genome sequence—twice the size of the human genome—met cheers from agricultural producers, distillers, and brew masters alike. The genome draft—produced by the International Barley Genome Sequencing Consortium, a team of researchers at 22 organizations around the world—is a high-resolution map of the grain’s haploid genome, including most of its 32,000 genes. Agricultural researchers hail the new data as a way to make the staple grain more resistant to disease and resilient during climate change, thereby fortifying food security. But, beer and whiskey drinkers are looking to use the new data to brew better spirits.

K. Mayer et al., “A physical, genetic and functional sequence assembly of the barley genome,” Nature, 491: 711-16, 2012. (Not yet cited)



大麦的基因组几乎是人类或玉米基因组的两倍大,这对于测序来说是个挑战。大麦基因组的复杂性和大量重复区域更增添了基因组有序装配的难度。研究人员开发并应用了一系列创新策略,终于克服了这些困难,利用Illumina和Roche 454测序平台得到了高分辨率的基因组装配图谱。该图谱几乎包括了大麦的所有基因和相关调控区域,为那些希望通过功能基因组学和育种对大麦进行改良的研究者们提供了新的研究方向。

研究人员构建了4.98 Gb的大麦基因组物理图谱,包括3.90 Gb高分辨率遗传图谱,并用基因组鸟枪法装配和深度RNA测序等数据进行补充。研究确定了79,379个转录本,包括26,159个可信度高的基因。研究人员指出,大麦基因组中丰富的选择性剪切、提前终止密码子和新转录活性区域显示转录后剪切是重要的调控层面。



