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时间: 2012-09-12 点击次数:次 作者:admin


报告题目:Defense Signaling Network in Rice Innate Immunity

报告人:陈乐天 博士



陈乐天 博士,华南农业大学生命科学院教授、 博士生导师




陈乐天博士多年来一直致力于水稻与病原菌之间信号传导途径的调控机理研究,在小G蛋白水稻抗病分子机理上获得了一系列突出的研究成果,已在微生物学顶级国际刊物Cell Host & Microbe和植物学的顶级国际刊物Plant Cell等著名期刊发表高水平的SCI论文多篇,累计影响因子近80点,论文SCI引用次数超过300次。


1. Chen L, Shimamoto K. (2011). Emerging roles of molecular chaperones in plant innate immunity. J Gen Plant Pathol 77:1-9 (Cover story)

2. Kawano Y, Chen L, Shimamoto K. 2010. The function of Rac small GTPase and associated proteins in rice innate immunity. Rice 3:112-121

3. Chen L, Hamada S, Fujiwara M, Zhu T, Thao NP, Wong HL, Krishna P, Ueda T, Kaku H, Shibuya N, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K. 2010. The Hop/Sti1-Hsp90 chaperone complex facilitates the maturation and transport of a PAMP receptor in rice innate immunity. Cell Host Microbe 7:185-196. (Featured Article)

4. Chen L, Shiotani K, Togashi T, Miki D, Aoyama M, Wong HL, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K. 2010. Analysis of the Rac/Rop small GTPase family in rice: expression, subcellular localization and role in disease resistance. Plant Cell Physiol 51: 585-595.

5. Nakashima A*, Chen L*, Thao NP, Fujiwara M, Wong HL, Kuwano M, Umemura K, Shirasu K, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K. 2008. RACK1 functions in rice innate immunity by interacting with the Rac1 immune complex. Plant Cell 20: 2265–2279.

6. Thao NP, Chen L, Nakashima A, Hara S, Umemura K, Takahashi A, Shirasu K, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K. 2007. RAR1 and Hsp90 form a complex with Rac/Rop GTPase and function in innate immune responses in rice. Plant Cell 19:4035-40


