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Grain starch, fatty acids, and amino acids determine the pasting properties in dry cultivation plus rice cultivars

时间: 2022-12-26 点击次数:次 作者:

Zongkui Chen,Yunfeng Du,Zilin Mao,Zhijuan Zhang,PingLi*,Cou gui Cao*



Food  chemistry(IF=7.514,一区top),2022,373:131472







A field experiment was conducted to explore the effects of cultivars under flooding irrigation and dry cultivation (D) on starch, fatty acids, and amino acids metabolism, starch physicochemical traits, and pasting properties of rice flour. In this study, high-quality cultivar (HH) had better pasting properties among all other cultivars in D treatment. DHH supported higher short-branch chain amylopectin to develop the crystalline regions. Besides, DHH increased C16:0, C16:1, C18:1, C18:2, glutamate, aspartate, lysine, and threonine, and reduced glutelin and prolamine levels in head rice. Higher pasting properties in DHH was also supported by higher CO in esters and ketones, CO in carboxylic acid, esters, alcohols, and ethers, OH in alcohols before pasting and lower CO and CO in carboxylic acid, CO in aldehydes, and CO, CO and OH in carboxylic acid after pasting. Overall, these findings improve pasting properties to maintain a higher cooking quality in dry cultivation.

Keywords:Functional groups;Crystallinity;Interplanar spacing;Dislocation density;Glutelin;Aspartate









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